DroneRadar Presentation

171103 droneradar 008
3. studenoga 2017.
171103 droneradar 008

On November 3, 2017 Mr. Pawel Korzec, COO dlapilota.pl i droneradar.eu, held a presentation in Croatia Control on the DroneRadar application, which was attended by the participants from various organizations, including CCAA, HUBS and CCL (AMC, management representatives, TWR/APP ATCOs).

DroneRadar is a mobile application for iOS and Android used for the management of UAS flights in defined airspace. It can also be used for the creation of a data base of UAS operators, geofencing, education etc. The application is user friendly; it presents comprehensive information to operators and familiarizes them with the aviation terminology and airspace restrictions. The basic version is always free of charge.

Mr. Korzec pointed out the importance of simple and easy understanding of UAS regulation. A call center would be a more appropriate means of informing the UAS community than the aeronautical information service. The integration of the app into the ATM system enables two-way non-verbal communication between a UAS operator and an ATS unit, such as sending requests/messages about the start/end of flight, loss of control, emergency situations etc. Significant benefits of using the application include the education of UAS operators about the airspace they use, an increase in the number of registered flights, a decrease in communication time and the number of errors in comparison with verbal communication between UAS operators and ATS units, and a possibility of sending a message to all operators in a click of a mouse, for example in emergency situations.

In Poland 96% of certified operators use this application, the UAS flight registration in uncontrolled airspace is not obligatory, but it is good practice. BVLOS operations are allowed in segregated airspace only. Since the application has been introduced, the number of registered UAS flights increased by up to 10 times and it is well known that efficient monitoring of unmanned aircraft flights increases safety. At the end of his presentation, Mr. Korzec pointed out the importance of cooperation between ANSPs during the process of establishing the European UAS regulations.

Currently, there are around 650 registered UAS operators in Croatia. The number of approved UAS flights in controlled airspace increased from 7 in 2014 to 78 in 2016, while this year this number is expected to rise over 100. Judging by the Polish experience, the number would continue growing with the use of the mobile application for UAS flight management.

The presentation is available here.