Air Traffic Management

Pilots fly planes, whereas air traffic controllers guide them through all flight phases by giving information, instructions and clearances to pilots.

About Air Traffic Management
The task of Air Traffic Control is to prevent collisions between aircraft, as well as between aircraft and obstacles on the aerodrome maneuvering area. We provide Air Traffic Control Services to ensure safe, orderly and efficient air traffic. They include the Aerodrome Control Service, Approach Control Service and Area Control Service.
Airspace Management
The airspace above the Republic of Croatia is the Zagreb Flight Information Region (FIR) and it is divided into sectors. To optimize the flow of air traffic, certain parts of upper airspace are delegated to neighboring states and vice versa.
The aim of Airspace Management is to achieve its maximum efficiency by taking into account the needs of civil and military users to reduce aircraft delays and distance traveled and consequentially fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
Air Traffic Flow Management
A safe, orderly and efficient flow of air traffic is the function of Air Traffic Flow Management. To achieve that, we must ensure the optimum efficiency of Air Traffic Control capacities and compatibility of traffic demand and declared capacity of relevant Air Traffic Control units.
Air Traffic Flow Management is done at the strategic, pre-tactical and tactical level.
The operational Flow Management Position (Zagreb FMP) is established at Zagreb Area Control Center and it cooperates with the Network Manager Operations Center at the tactical level. That way, whenever needed, aircraft operators can adjust departure times, change routes and flight profiles, which results in delay decrease for airlines and passengers.
We cooperate with the Network Manager (Eurocontrol) at all ATFM levels. At the strategic level, we assess capacities and make changes to the route network and other airspace structures. At the pre-tactical level, we prepare daily plans, inform aircraft operators and relevant ATC units about measures coming into force. That is how we optimize current capacities and reduce delays and costs.
Tactically, we work on a single goal every day, which is to ensure enough capacity to meet the traffic demand. At the post-operational level, we analyze what was done and suggest measures for further optimization.
Flight Information Service
Through Flight Information Service, we give advice and information needed to fly safely, orderly and efficiently. That service is available to all flights subject to air traffic control as well as to other flights with which radio communication is established.
Competent ATC units and the Flight Information Center (Zagreb FIC) are responsible for the provision of Flight Information Service in the Zagreb FIR. Zagreb FIC is a separate sector at the Zagreb ACC which provides Flight Information Service to the VFR traffic.
Alerting Service
Alerting Service is provided for the purpose of notifying competent organizations about aircraft in need of search and rescue. As required, we also assist those organizations in aircraft search and rescue missions.
Alerting Service is provided by competent ATC units and the Zagreb FIC within their areas of responsibility.
Alerting is provided for:
- all aircraft subject to air traffic control
- other aircraft which have filed a flight plan or are otherwise known to competent ATS units
- aircraft which are in danger of unlawful interference or subject to unlawful interference.