Occasional Airspace Restrictions in the Zagreb TMA from 1-4 August 2015

Zone rezerviranog zracnog prostora
July 20, 2015
Zone rezerviranog zracnog prostora

Due to the celebration of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders, the following air traffic restrictions are scheduled in the Zagreb Terminal Control Area (TMA): 

  • Occasional reservation, i.e. segregation of a part of the controlled airspace of Zagreb/Lučko TMA and CTR for the purpose of celebration, planned from 1-4 August 2015, with the approximate duration of max 2 hrs (starting around 1800 LT). 
  • Along with the airspace reservation, the occasional closure of airspace above Zagreb International Airport and Lučko Aerodrome is planned for all traffic except for the participants of the celebration, aircraft and helicopters of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense in the same period of time. 
  • During the mentioned period it is advised that you follow relevant NOTAMs for activation and deactivation of these restrictions.