New Aviation Strategy for Europe

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December 7, 2015
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Today the Commission adopted a new Aviation Strategy, a milestone initiative to boost Europe’s economy, strengthen its industrial base and contribute to the EU global leadership.
These are three core priorities of President Jean-Claude Juncker, on which the Strategy will deliver, by ensuring that the European aviation sector remains competitive and reaps the benefits of a fast-changing and developing global economy. A strong and outward-looking aviation sector will not only benefit businesses, but also European citizens by offering more connections to the rest of the world at lower prices.
EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc added, “European aviation is facing a number of challenges and today’s Strategy sets out a comprehensive and ambitious action-plan to keep the sector ahead of the curve. It will keep European companies competitive, through new investment and business opportunities, allowing them to grow in a sustainable manner. European citizens will also benefit from more choice, cheaper prices and the highest levels of safety and security.”
The Commission’s goal is to shape a comprehensive strategy for the whole EU aviation ecosystem. In this context, the priorities are to:
1. Place the EU as a leading player in international aviation,
2. Tackle limits to growth in the air and on the ground,
3. Maintain high EU standards for safety, security, the environment, social issues and passenger rights,
4. Make progress on innovation, digital technologies and investments.
The Aviation Strategy is one of the initiatives listed in the Commission Work Programme for 2015. It consists of a Communication, a proposal for a revision of the EU’s aviation safety rules (Regulation 216/2008) and requests to negotiate Comprehensive EU-level air transport agreements with a number of key third countries.
Aviation is a strong driver of economic growth, jobs, trade and mobility for the European Union and plays a crucial role in the EU economy. The sector employs almost 2 million people in the EU and is worth €110 billion to Europe’s economy. Over the last 20 years, the EU’s liberalisation of the internal market for air services and the substantial growth of demand in air transport within the EU and worldwide, have resulted in the significant development of the European aviation sector. The aviation traffic in Europe is predicted to reach 14.4 million flights in 2035, 50% more than in 2012.

An Aviation Strategy for Europe