The COOPANS partnership is pleased to announce that it has successfully updated its common ATM system by deploying the latest upgrade of the COOPANS software to version B3.2, which is co-funded by the EU from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Build 3.2 has received funding from INEA call 2014.
COOPANS stands as the leading example in Europe of an industrial partnership between multiple ANSPs from Austria (Austro Control), Croatia (Croatia Control), Denmark (Naviair), Ireland (Irish Aviation Authority) and Sweden (LFV). Thales is a chosen supplier (industry partner) for COOPANS.
The latest upgrade was first rolled out by Croatia Control, Naviair and Austro Control between 18/19 January, followed by LFV between 20/21 January. The IAA completed their upgrade on the system between 24 and 26 January. All seven sites completed their upgrades to identical software within a week.
The synchronized ATM system upgrade is a unique model between multiple ANSPs for which COOPANS was awarded the Single European Sky Award by the European Commission in 2016, being recognised as a leader in European ATM development and harmonisation.
The latest upgrade includes a number of functional and capacity upgrades, in particular, enhancements in OLDI (On-line Data Interchange) interoperability, conflict detection and updates for CPDLC (Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications) functionality related to the updated standards and operational requirements.
Developing and enhancing current ATM functionalities is an ongoing process mainly conditioned by monitoring the targets and guidelines set by EU regulations, but also implementing the required software upgrades to ensure and improve safety and the efficiency of air traffic flow.