ENAV and CCL: bilateral meeting

February 18, 2016

ENAV, the Italian air navigation service provider, hosted a meeting in its headquarters with Croatia Control. The center of the discussion was the future of Air Traffic Management System.

The companies in particular spoke about the main operational and technical projects in the Single European Sky, such as Coflight and COOPANS Alliance.

After a short meeting between CEOs Roberta Neri and Dragan Bilać a day before, the meeting took place on 18th February and was attended by the Head of Operations Maurizio Paggetti, the Head of International Strategies Iacopo Prissinotti and the Head of Technical Services Vincenzo Smorto.

The Croatian delegation consisted of Dragan Bilać (Director General), Mihajlo Jelisavčić (ATM Director), Dario Grgurić (Technical Director) and Barbara Kalmar (Head of DG’s Office).

Interview with Dragan Bilać, Director General of Croatia Control (published in ENAV’s magazine Cleared)