Cooperation Agreement Signed Between CCL and Two Civil Engineering Faculties

180129 potpisivanje ugovora 004
January 29, 2018
180129 potpisivanje ugovora 004

An Agreement on Scientific Research, Education, Technical-Professional and Business Cooperation in the Field of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy was signed today by and between Vlado Bagarić, Director General of Croatia Control (CCL), and the deans of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy at the University of Split, Prof.  Boris Trogrlić, PhD, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Prof. Damir Varevac, PhD.
The agreement establishes a framework for long-term cooperation of the two faculties and CCL on educational, developmental, scientific research, innovational and professional activities within the scope of activities of the two faculties, which can significantly contribute to the successful realization of CCL’s development plans.
The signatories showed an interest in cooperation, especially regarding the research and development projects, studies and expert opinions based on the scientific and professional competency of the two faculties, and all with the aim of perfecting technical-technological solutions in CCL, as well as applying for and implementing common research, development and innovation projects funded by domestic and international bodies.
There is also a common interest in organizing scientific conferences, workshops and seminars of joint scientific research in the field of civil engineering, architecture and geodesy, and writing and publishing joint scientific and expert papers for international and domestic scientific conferences.
An interest was shown in the education of CCL’s employees through professional seminars, workshops, lectures and postgraduate specialist and doctoral studies, as well as for carrying out specialized programs for the final year students in the two faculties and the preparation of bachelor’s and master’s theses.