COOPANS Introduced to Commissioner Bulc and EP

February 23, 2016

The representatives of Croatia Control Ltd attended the Conference “Boosting EU aviation through modernising air traffic management” which was held on February 23, 2016 in the European Parliament. The conference was held in cooperation with the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), and one of the agenda items was COOPANS cooperation as an excellent example of a long-term partnership.
A meeting with the representatives of the Europe CANSO CEO Committee (EC3) was held in Brussels a day later by the European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc. The meeting was an opportunity to present activities and exchange views on current issues in the field of air navigation services provision in Europe, including the information on SES 2+ status and the new Aviation Strategy as an initiative aiming to stimulate the European economy, strengthen its industrial base and contribute to the global leadership of the EU.
Among other things, the Commissioner praised and showed great interest in COOPANS cooperation of five ANS providers who, through the harmonization of upgrades and joint investment, implement a unified ATM system that allows the harmonization of operational, technical and technological solutions and procedures, the reduction of costs through the entire life cycle from the specification of upgrades to the maintenance, and the compliance with the European standards, in particular with the Single European Sky objectives. Also, SESAR Joint Undertaking and SESAR Deployment Manager activities were highlighted as positive examples.
Given the numerous challenges faced by the European aviation, and particularly European ANSPs, in the end a great satisfaction was expressed as well as the need for reorganization of an active and comprehensive dialogue aiming at a coordinated impact on the development of policies and initiatives in the provision of air navigation services in Europe.