CCL at AIRVG 2018

180519 airvg 2018 062
May 19, 2018
180519 airvg 2018 062

Croatia Control (CCL) presented itself along with other signatories of the Charter of Friendship at this year’s AIRVG 2018 or the Aviation Day in Velika Gorica held for the second year in a row to promote Croatian aviation and Velika Gorica as the City of Aviation.

The visitors of CCL’s exhibition stand had the opportunity to obtain various information on the air traffic controller profession and the AMC Portal – a web-based tool used for real-time informing of all airspace users. CCL was also this year’s general sponsor of the event.

Numerous visitors enjoyed the flying and the exhibition programs as part of the Croatian Air Force Doors Open Day, with the Ministry of the Interior and Croatian flying clubs and businesses taking part as well.

As this year’s special feature, the Aeronautical Technical Center opened the doors of its hangars for the citizens who could take a peek into the world of aircraft maintenance. The flying program was interesting and it was led by the Croatian Air Force and the “Krila Oluje” acrobatic group, including other aircraft which left all spectators breathless by their stunts.