CCL as General Sponsor of DroneDays 2020

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March 4, 2020
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The second DroneDays unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) workshop will take place on March 26 and 27, 2020, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb. CCL as the general sponsor will present its AMC Portal and its application for unmanned aerial systems’ users.

DroneDays 2020 is an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with the latest UAV industry trends, since it gathers numerous domestic and international experts, top scientists, the business community and academia, state bodies’ representatives and enthusiasts in one place.

This event is the most significant regional platform for connecting regulatory bodies, end users, and solution developers, to promote one of the industries of the future, the UAV industry, and the possibility of its business application, as well as to stimulate the UAV users and service providers’ dialogue and knowledge and experience exchange. The DroneDays 2020 programme will cover the guest experts’ lectures and an exhibition gathering the leading regional companies.

This year, accredited visitors will have an opportunity to take part in experts’ lectures on the current aerial robotics topics, some of which are: exploring atmospheric phenomena by an UAV fleet, self-positioning micro-UAV swarms operating in real-world conditions and aerial and space robotics coordination.
The co-founder of the Osijek-based Orqa Ltd. start-up, Srđan Kovačević, will present the challenges and technical solutions in remote vision systems. Frano Petric, PhD will speak about the LARICS members’ participation in robotics competitions, with special emphasis on the experience gained and results achieved at the world’s biggest robotics competition.

At last year’s DoneDays, 200 accredited visitors attended 17 lectures given by the world’s leading experts in aerial robotics from seven countries. There were 9 demonstrations in the flying zone and around 2000 visitors at the exhibition, who came to learn more about unmanned vehicles and their applications.

Due to the growing number of events, publications, research projects and applications of unmanned aerial vehicles, the immense potential of aerial robotics is getting recognized more and more. DroneDays greatly influence the popularization of that domain and the increase in the number of users and the visibility of LARICS and FER’ research, and thus Croatia, on the European and world map of aerial robotics in academia and the industry.