CCL as an Example of Good EU Funds Beneficiary

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June 3, 2016
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The representatives of Croatia Control Ltd (CCL) took part in the 1st Conference on Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport Management – Focus on Project Implementation, held in Split on 2 June 2016, which was organised by the European Commission and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure.
Following an invitation by the line ministry, CCL presented two projects – studies, under the 1st 2014 CEF Transport Call, as an example of successful application of projects for the CEF funding and progress in project implementation, and announced the projects in the 2nd 2015 CEF Transport Call.
Under the 1st CEF Call a total of EUR 4.1 million from the European CEF Fund was allocated to co-fund two projects, which are also CCL’s major strategic guidelines, 2014 CEF FAB FRA and 2014 CEF COOPANS. CCL also applied to the 2015 CEF Transport Call with 11 projects worth EUR 20.1 million in total.
A joint proposal of ANS providers from the FAB CE member states (Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 2014 CEF FAB FRA, comprising the elaboration of a technical feasibility study of the development and validation of Free Route Airspace (FRA) in the FAB CE Airspace, was submitted and approved.
Together with the COOPANS partners (from Austria, Ireland, Denmark and Sweden), CCL submitted a joint proposal of the 2014 CEF COOPANS project for the harmonisation and upgrade of common ATM system, and its co-funding has also been approved. The project comprises 4 functional upgrades and a feasibility study of the COOPANS ATM operating system.
The conference gathered the participants and stakeholders involved in CEF management including: current and potential future project beneficiaries, representatives of the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE), the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), the Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions (JASPERS), ministries of member states dealing with CEF, to discuss relevant issues on CEF projects implementation, successful realisation and monitoring.
This is one of the three conferences relating to CEF management to be held this year. The first one was focused on the CEF project implementation, while the second one will be aimed at CEF project funding. The third conference will be merged with the info days for the 3rd CEF Transport Call and will be aimed at the proposal of projects.