Safety and Management Systems

Safety, quality and care of the environment are the guarantee of our services.

Management Systems
Safety is the purpose of our existence and we pay special attention to it. We have implemented the integrated management system concept with an emphasis on safety, quality and environmental protection, enabling the process approach in day-to-day operations, in accordance with high international standards and regulatory requirements.
Management systems are a prerequisite for efficient service provision and quality business process management. Besides the Safety Management System, which is of particular importance, we have implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001 international standard requirements, an Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 14001 international standard requirements, an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the ISO 45001 international standard requirements as well as a Security Management System.
In our business, air traffic safety is the most important and we manage it through the Safety Management System. The System involves these activities aimed at constantly raising the level of safety:
- collecting information on and analyzing safety occurrences
- identifying hazards and assessing risks
- conducting safety surveys.
The Safety Committee is the highest corporate body reviewing and making decisions on safety and the SMS, according to the Safety Policy and Just Culture Policy. All of the executive directors and the Head of Safety and Management Systems are part of the Committee.
In the SMS domain, we apply the Single European Sky legal framework standards and requirements, using Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 as the main reference document. At the same time, we comply with all international and national regulations. The results of safety maturity studies over the last few years show our continuous improvement, reflecting our effort to improve the SMS and achieve as high air traffic safety level as possible.
We have implemented and documented a Quality Management System (QMS), which we apply and maintain and for which we are certified in compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 international standard requirements.
The Management ensures, by means of the Quality Policy, that user requirements are identified and met, in order to increase their measurable satisfaction.
The quality of our services is guaranteed through the integrated QMS, which is periodically reviewed and assessed for its long-term suitability, effectiveness and efficiency.
We recognize the importance of environmental protection, so we endeavor to reduce the negative impact on the environment by providing safe and quality air navigation services. In doing so, we are guided by regulations and international guidelines.
The main environmental protection objectives in air navigation are to reduce:
- the number of people affected by noise as a result of aircraft movements
- the impact of aviation emissions on the level of local pollution
- the impact of aviation on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
Our Environmental Management System (EMS) also covers environmental aspects. We are ISO 14001:2015 certified, and have defined the Environmental Management Policy, to ensure the identification and management of environmental risks in a systematic way.
Our Security Management System (SecMS) ensures the security of employees and other persons in our premises, the security of facilities, technical devices and equipment, to prevent unlawful interference with service provision. We also protect business data which we receive, produce or in any other way use, in that the access to that data is restricted to authorized persons and institutions only.
Our SecMS supports airspace and airport security, as regulated by the National Civil Aviation Security Program, and it plays an important role in creating plans for business/service provision continuity and business recovery. The aim of the System is prevention and acting in accordance with the Security Policy, whereby the introduced measures must not slow down or otherwise harm our core business processes.
Occupational Health and Safety
Pursuant to the Policy, we apply the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHS) by the ISO 45001:2018 standard, as part of the risk management strategy in terms of protection of employees and assets and compliance with legislation changes.
The ISO 45001:2018 certificate promotes a safe and healthy work environment through a framework for the systematic identification and assessment of all health and safety risks and opportunities. It also promotes the reduction of the potential risk of incidents, as well as compliance with legal requirements and improvement of the overall performance.
Enterprise Risk Management
We have introduced an Enterprise Risk Management system (ERM) compliant with internationally recognized and scientifically based methodology and standards and defined the ERM Policy.
ERM is a strategic organizational tool aimed at achieving the fundamental objectives of business operation and providing long-term sustainability of an organization in all aspects of its operation.
The methodological framework for setting up and implementing the Enterprise Risk Management system includes the analysis of the entity’s environment and operations, definition of its objectives, risk identification, assessment of risks and their impact on objectives, setting up a Risk Register, risk management measures, control, communication and reporting as well as continuous process monitoring and updating.
We have set up the Risk Register as well as the Strategic Risks Map, and we manage them actively by taking into account the identified sources and defined measures for the mitigation of the consequences of probability and severity of particular occurrences.
Compliance Monitoring
We have established a compliance monitoring function pursuant to the requirements of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 and the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the Obligation to Introduce a Compliance Monitoring Function in Majority State-Owned Legal Entities.
The function enables responsible and systematic monitoring of our compliance with applicable national and international regulations, standards and guidelines. It provides information and continuously monitors compliance with the applicable regulations taking into account the areas of application (ANS, functions, processes).
The e-mail address has been created to distribute applicable regulatory requirements or submit any questions related to the method of implementation and the interpretation of regulations. The address is also used to report the changes in applicable regulations in the jurisdiction of our employees or users, including any potential non-compliance, as well as for user complaints.