Gender Equality

We fully support the activities of the European Commission as part of its endeavors to ensure social inclusion, equality and prevention of all forms of discrimination and harassment.
Gender equality pursuant to the Act on Gender Equality means that women and men are equally present in all areas of public and private life, that they have equal status, equal opportunities to exercise all rights, as well as equal benefits of achieved results.
At the end of 2021, there were 740 employees at CCL: 207 women and 533 men. Of the total of 76 managerial positions, women were in 19 (25%) and men in 57 (75%) of them. By the level of education, 280 (38%) of employees have the highest degree of qualification (university graduate, master’s degree), 31% of whom are women.
Following the results of gender equality status estimates, several lines of work are defined to help empowering the organizational culture of gender equality:
- Achieve/maintain a beneficial state of gender equality in all areas of work.
- Promoting a gender equality culture among the employees.
- Guaranteeing equal employment opportunities.
- Guaranteeing equal training and career development accessibility opportunities.
- Fighting sexual harassment in the workplace.
- Work on working time management that favors balancing personal, family and work lives of all employees.
To ensure achieving/maintaining gender equality and achieve the sustainability of the targets set, activities in the following areas are defined: organizational management, human resources, sexual harassment and violence, raising awareness and internal communication.
Resource planning for the activities will be conducted through the process of regular annual financial planning. The Gender Equality Committee will once a year, along with analyzing the implementation of the activities and suggesting the new ones, allocate the resources required to conduct the activities if necessary. The activities defined in this Gender Equality Plan do not demand any additional funds.
Relevant data that will be gathered and processed and whose trends will be analyzed to monitor the progress of the targets set are: the share of women and men, the share of women and men in managerial positions, the degree of qualification by sex, the share of women and men among the chosen job candidates and other as agreed by the Committee.
Organizational Management
The Gender Equality Committee is established through these measures, to monitor the status and promote equal treatment of women and men as well as to gather relevant data. Time needed to accomplish the organizational management activities is up to 60 working hours yearly.
Target | Performance indicators | Measures | Target group | To be implemented by |
Establishing the Gender Equality Committee | Appointing employees to the Committee’s activities Monitoring the Committee’s work | The establishment of the Gender Equality Committee and continuous monitoring of its work | All employees | Director General’s Office |
Building the gender equality organizational culture | Continuous progress and/or maintenance of the beneficial state of gender equality in all areas of work | Introducing regular collection and processing of data by sex Defining a person or team who will be collecting relevant data Continuous monitoring of the implementation of the Gender Equality Plan and the associated action plans and the analysis of the situation at the end of the observed cycle | All current and future employees | Gender Equality Committee |
Human Resources
In the job candidate selection process, we apply objective criteria defined for each position. A job candidate is chosen according to the requirements set out for a certain position, competencies and work experience, no matter their sex.
The salary for each position is defined in advance and it is equal no matter the sex of the candidate chosen for a vacant position.
Employees who partake in the selection process are trained for the selection and interviewing of the candidates and are aware of the importance of impartiality during the process.
Time needed to accomplish the human resources activities is up to 80 working hours yearly.
Target | Performance indicators | Measures | Target group | To be implemented by |
Equal employment rights for both sexes for all positions | Transparent and clear selection process that ensures impartiality when choosing the candidate | In vacancy notices, it should be clearly stated that all applications are equal no matter the sex (f/m) In internal selection-related processes, the importance of impartiality concerning their sex when choosing the candidate should be stated | New candidates and employees | Human Resources Management |
Developing a gender equality sensitive employment and promotion system | Establishing equal gender representation in the communication with employees (Intranet publications) | Internal and external promotion of the ATCO position as a job that can be equally performed by a man and a woman Promoting good practices, such as role model women who were promoted at CCL | All employees | Corporate Communications Advisor and Human Resources Management |
Promoting a culture of the importance of work-life balance | Introducing initiatives that enable work-life balance | Time management and work organization training Introducing a place to suggest ideas for improving the work environment | All employees | Human Resources Management |
Sexual Harassment and Violence
Sexual harassment is any unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, the purpose of which is to violate one’s dignity or which represents a violation of someone’s dignity, especially if it creates an unpleasant, hostile, degrading or offensive environment. Sexual harassment and violence is strictly prohibited. We will conduct preventive activities to ensure a safe work environment.
Time needed to accomplish the activities under sexual harassment and violence is 16 working hours.
We have appointed a person to receive and resolve complaints related to the dignity of the employees. Pursuant to the Labor Law, in cases of dignity protection of employees from harassment and sexual harassment, the person appointed receives the employees’ complaints, objectively examines all facts related to the subject, and draws up minutes on the subject with a conclusion, i.e. the decision of the Director General with preventive measures. The procedure is urgent, confidential, and classified, pursuant to the Labor Law and our regulations, whereas confidentiality is ensured by signing the Impartiality and Confidentiality Statement for all parties to the procedure.
Target | Performance indicators | Measures | Target group | To be implemented by |
Ensuring a safe work environment | Publishing guidelines/regulations on the Intranet | Familiarizing employees with the importance of informing on gender equality and ways of filing complaints | All employees | Human Resources Management |
Raising Awareness and Internal Communication
We are aware of the importance of informing our employees and continuously ensure timely information on all relevant events in the Company. In this regard, the employees can find all relevant information on our Intranet.
Through online training and expert articles on the Intranet, we provide information on various aspects of mental health, including the importance of work-life balance.
Time needed to accomplish the raising awareness and internal communication activities is up to 240 working hours yearly.
Target | Performance indicators | Measures | Target group | To be implemented by |
Training with the aim of raising awareness on gender equality | Publishing the program and webinars on the Intranet | Continuous promotion of educational programs (awareness)/webinars, publishing online training programs and expert articles on the Intranet to raise awareness on gender equality Informing new employees in the onboarding process on the importance of gender equality in the work environment | All employees | Human Resources Management |
Continuous training of managers on the importance of gender equality | Topic integrated into leadership programs | Integrating the gender equality topic into educational programs of leadership training of the management | Management | Human Resources Management |
Training of decision makers during the selection of candidates on the importance of impartiality | Training/informing of decision makers on the topic of impartiality done | Educating the decision makers before each selection on how to conduct the selection and interview the candidates Integrating the topic of impartiality during the selection into the Interview Guide | Decision makers when the selection is needed | Human Resources Management |
We have made the 2022-2025 Gender Equality Plan. Its primary goal is to make our company a safe place for all and for it to function in a way that respects equality without discrimination and ensures uninterrupted work and development for all employees.
By implementing good practices and continuously communicating, the best solutions for promoting equality can be popularized more efficiently, whereas they represent the starting point of our Gender Equality Plan.
The Gender Equality Committee will meet once a year to monitor the implementation progress of the Plan and to make a report on the implementation of the targets set. We will publish the report on our web page.