Forum on Flexible Use of Airspace Held

160615 forum fua 052 cover
June 17, 2016
160615 forum fua 052 cover

A Forum on the Flexible Use of Airspace was held today at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, in the organisation of Croatia Control Ltd (CCL).
The Forum was aimed to familiarise users with the Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) Concept, which has been implemented in the Republic of Croatia, as well as with the projects following the present development and future requirements of this concept.
CCL’s experts and members of the Airspace Management Cell (AMC) made presentations of the following projects: Establishment of Flexible Structures in Lower Airspace (PUFS), LARA Tool and AMC Web Portal.
The LARA Tool will be put into operation during the summer, while the AMC Web Portal, for which CCL has just issued a request for tenders, will be launched by the end of the year. The introduction of these ASM tools will ensure prerequisites for the implementation of the PUFS project that will enable enhanced availability of airspace to all users and increase their overall safety.