Deployment Programme 2015 Delivered

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September 30, 2015
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Massimo Garbini, Managing Director of SESAR Deployment Manager, formally delivered the final version of the SESAR Deployment Programme 2015 (DP 2015) for approval to the Directorate General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE) today. Once approved it will become integral part of the CEF transport call 2015 to be launched before the end of this year.

DP 2015 identifies the “gaps”

The DP 2015 takes into account European Commissions’ and Stakeholder feedback received on the version delivered in June. The most crucial element of DP 2015 is that it identifies for each of the 44 families of not yet awarded Air Traffic Management Implementation Projects, the so-called “gaps” that must be closed to fully implement the Pilot Common Project (PCP).

These “gaps” are further broken down between activities relevant to the CEF Transport Call for Proposals or the CEF Cohesion Fund Call for Proposals 2015. Some gaps are critical to the performance of the entire ATM network. So this is where operational stakeholders are called upon now to focus and ensure they know what they are expected to implement to comply with PCP.

Massimo Garbini, Managing Director SESAR Deployment Manager: “I urge the operational stakeholders to align their investment plan with DP 2015 to ensure successful application to CEF & cohesion calls 2015. SESAR Deployment Manager will support all stakeholders to fill the remaining gaps and ensure full PCP implementation by 2020 becomes a reality.”

DP 2015 is the opportunity to receive CEF & cohesion funding

The DP 2015 is stakeholders’ opportunity to receive CEF funding. Co-funding for implementation projects is provided by the INEA. Stakeholders can apply for CEF funding and receive up to 50% of their investment and even up to 85% where investments are eligible for cohesion funds. SDM has set in the DP 2015 all the priorities for the CEF calls for proposals 2015. SDM will guide all stakeholders through the funding application process by providing necessary tools and support.

With the DP 2015, the industry has the unique chance to deliver an efficient ATM system under its own leadership. This Deployment Programme has been created to lead investment plans by both civil and Military European Air Navigation Service Providers, Airports and Airlines and will provide Europe with a safe and efficient continental air transport system.

The Deployment Programme can be downloaded here